Michelle Obama Reveals That Daughters Sasha and Malia Both Have Boyfriends

During a recent appearance on The Ellen Show, former First Lady of the United States, Michelle Obama, revealed that her two daughters have boyfriends and that she and Barack Obama welcomed them into their home.

DeGeneres said she could barely believe that the Obama daughters are all grown up, recalling that Malia and Sasha first came to her show in 2008 to see the Jonas Brothers.

“They loved the Jonas Brothers. Now they’re bringing grown men home,’ Michelle said. ‘Now they have boyfriends and real lives and all that stuff. They have grown up right before our very eyes and they are doing well.’

Michelle said she is proud of how they are adjusting to life after the White House, noting that it was always their ‘philosophy’ to make sure Sasha and Malia weren’t spoiled.

“I kept that in mind with the girls. They wouldn’t always be in that bubble of the White House, so they had to learn how to make their beds. They had to learn how to drive,” she explained. “They had to learn how to be compassionate, independent, responsible people so that they entered the world as responsible, compassionate, capable people. I think they are amazing young women because of that.”

Mrs. Obama also said she enjoyed quarantining with her daughters during the COVID-19 pandemic. She said that while she “love[s] them at every age,” it’s been nice to spend time with them now that they’re grown up. “It was an extra special treat to have them that little bit of time. Being with them as adults is fun!” she said. “They are just amazing young women.”

Both Malia and Sasha are currently living in Los Angeles, where Malia has a position on the writing staff of a new Amazon project by Donald Glover and Sasha is reportedly attending the University of Southern California after transferring from Michigan.

The former First Lady also talked about her upcoming 30th wedding anniversary with her husband, former President Barack Obama, and shares her thoughts on Drake wanting to play her husband in a biopic.



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