Hugh Jackman Returning As Wolverine In ‘Deadpool 3′

Hugh Jackman will reprise his role as Wolverine in “Deadpool 3,” Ryan Reynolds confirmed on Twitter Tuesday afternoon. “Deadpool 3” has an official release date as well: Sept. 6, 2024.

“I’ve had to really search my soul on this one. His first appearance in the MCU obviously needs to feel special. We need to stay true to the character, find new depth, motivation, meaning,” he explained about the new storyline.

“I’ve had to really search my soul on this one. His first appearance in the MCU obviously needs to feel special. We need to stay true to the character, find new depth, motivation, meaning. Every Deadpool needs to stand out and stand apart. It’s been an incredible challenge that has forced me to reach down deep inside. And I…I have nothing. Yeah, just completely empty up here. And terrifying. But we did have one idea.”

“Hey, Hugh, you want to play Wolverine one more time?” Reynolds asks as Jackman walks in the back of the shot.
“Yeah, sure Ryan,” Jackman replies.

Wolverine’s comeback is a total surprise for fans of the iconic character, as he was believed to have said goodbye to him and would not be returning to portray the mutant.

The announcement ends with Whitney Houston’s ‘I Will Always Love You’ with the words ‘I will always love Hugh’ and the mark of Wolverine’s claws in Deadpool’s logo.

This marks the first Deadpool movie made by Marvel Studios after 20th Century Fox released two in 2016 and 2018. The 2016 and 2018 Deadpool movies combined were a huge success box office wise for Marvel in the R-rated space, together grossing $1.56 billion.


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